Our personal finances are just that, personal. We know that the idea of filing for bankruptcy can be difficult and even embarrassing for some people. Just know that you are not alone.
Ochoa & Rubio, P.A. is a professional bankruptcy law firm with experience in helping people like you navigate their financial predicaments. Don’t let the mounting debt control you, let us help you get control over your debts.
Here are the primary areas of our expertise, and in most cases they are all elements of our journey together as we work toward your goal:
• We are, first and foremost, Bankruptcy Lawyers
• We are experienced in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy filings
• Everything we do is centered around debt relief
• Stopping creditors from calling and hassling you
• Taking our clients all the way through their bankruptcy filing
We’d be honored to have you contact us for a free discussion and consultation.